person of the company, trend and informative

Company official on the Internet

The corporate website forms the “face” of your company on the Internet. The specialists of the World of Web Development are competent professionals with many years of experience, ready to take full responsibility for the development and creation of a corporate website, to perform turnkey work of any complexity.
What are you getting:

Attracting partners, increasing customer flow.
Improving the quality of communication with existing customers.
Convenient control system.
Easy account management.

It may be its task to inform Internet users about the products sold, the services provided, the location of the company and the means of communication.

Corporate management portals allow you to effectively organize production and business. it is easy to implement remote work on projects and manage large-scale holdings with branches in different countries.

A corporate website often serves to inform potential customers about the company’s activities through the Internet in order to get acquainted with the company’s activities.

Creating a corporate website is the best solution for enterprises of any field of activity at a reasonable price. We offer individual responsive design. A team of specialists develops a unique design, creating an effective business tool, sharpened to realize the goals of your company. You get a large information portal, with the possibility of posting a large amount of content, where your organization will reveal its potential, talk about the company, owner, services or products.

Web site development is not only about attracting customers; other points can be attributed to the pluses:

  • posting news and relevant information on activities;
  • a detailed description of the proposed product, complete information is delivered in the shortest possible time;
  • posting the necessary documentation to familiarize customers or partners;
  • indication of contact information for quick feedback, phones, emails, instant messengers;
  • focus on several target audiences, the ability to create various sections of information.

Creating a corporate website for business – a tool for communication with customers and employees

  1. Qualitatively and competently selected functionality makes it possible to fully communicate for each visitor; in the “reviews” section, customers and partners will be able to leave comments about your product or service. Direct dialogue with the client significantly increases the level and trust in your company in the eyes of users.
  2. A separate section will regularly inform employees or potential partners about new promotions and products. Systematic placement of news will expand the organization’s capabilities, which will keep users up to date and quickly respond to new products.

Why do they trust us?

Corporate site development is the main specialization of our company. For many years, we have been trusted by large and small enterprises, we guarantee:

  1. Transparent terms of cooperation. We conclude a formal agreement with the organization, take into account all the interests and nuances of customers, reduce to zero the risks of contentious situations in the process of website construction.
  2. We adapt for the correct operation on modern gadgets, smartphones, tablets, personal computers and any browsers.
  3. An effective interface is not only attractive, but also displays the features of your organization, a ready-made website is a full-fledged platform that satisfies embedded business goals.
  4. Intuitive content management system, full-fledged staff training for effective work with the admin panel.
  5. High level of security. Unique software settings are guaranteed to help protect all information from scammers.
  6. Full compliance with required business objectives and corporate standards.

We guarantee uninterrupted operation without “errors” and stable operation. We are preparing your web project in heavy loads. We provide a full range of services with high-quality hosting and modern technical support.

Stages and planning

The first step is to research the business, determine the goals and objectives of the company, clarify the issues with products and find the target audience. In the future, the creation of a corporate site takes place in accordance with the information received from the customer.

Create a website design in accordance with the existing corporate style.

Selection of a content management system with the necessary functions.

Development of the site structure. Writing texts and filling pages.

Debugging an impeccable site and posting on the Internet.

Then the stage of promotion and promotion, maintenance and administration of the project in the regular mode begins.

The cost of a corporate website is calculated individually and determined by our experts depending on the complexity of the design, the number of pages required and the required functionality. We do not name a specific price, after discussing all the details and nuances, adjustments are possible.

What is included in the price?

The minimum set of services when ordering a corporate website:

  1. Marketing. A complete study of the market and the scope of your organization, the demand and requirements of the target audience, the strengths and weaknesses of the service or product.
  2. Prototype creation. Development of several concepts: main page, information sections, catalog.
  3. Design. We offer several options for turnkey solutions and individual design.
  4. Layout Strict adherence to all web standards.
  5. Platform. Install and configure for convenient and easy site management.
  6. We develop an individual menu and navigation.
  7. Catalog. We prepare sections for posting information, cost and characteristics of the proposed product.
  8. Installation of photo galleries.
  9. Consonant and attractive domain name.
  10. Creating and connecting the required number of corporate mailboxes.

Staff training, preparation of instructions for working with the site, free consultations.

We work with all cities of Ukraine, we will help to avoid gross mistakes and provide a product that really works. We guarantee the author’s approach to achieve high performance, we will introduce innovations based on time-tested and proven technologies.

Kiev, Odessa, Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, Lviv and other cities are already working with us, while in doubt, we make a website for your competitors.



Stages of work

  • Formulating goals and objectives, agreeing with the client requirements and wishes for the design and content of the site, signing the contract.

  • Web design development, layout coordination with the customer, website layout, installation and debugging of software.

  • Registration of a domain name and placement of a site on the hosting of the provider, filling of the site pages with basic graphic and text content.

  • Testing the work of the site, training the customer to the basic functions of the web resource, the transfer of access codes to the site, the signing of the act of work performed.

Order a corporate website development

To make a working corporate website, our company “World of Web Development” connects a number of qualified specialists:

  1. Web project manager. Responsible for meeting the agreed deadlines, implementing all the requirements and wishes of the customer.
  2. Designer. Creates and offers several site layouts, adhering to the corporate style of the company.
  3. Marketer. Carries out market analysis, level of competition and product specifics.
  4. Defines the necessary emphasis to indicate the benefits of your organization.
  5. SEO specialist. Carries out work for good search engine delivery of your site.
  6. Copywriter. Carries out the correct supply of your product, operating with technical characteristics, data, numbers and other parameters.
  7. Programmers. Perform modern site adaptation for any gadget, create and customize a form for leaving applications, reviews, orders.

Our team prepares the site for full-fledged work, maintains and promotes, so that the resource steadily develops and smoothly enters the leading position. If you want to order a turnkey corporate website or consult, contact us.